Combining Imaging Modalities for Clinical Diagnosis & Management of Retinal Diseases

Time: 10:40 am
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day


OCT imaging is the leading diagnostic intervention in all medicine. It produces high resolution, 3D images and is the most available retinal imaging tool. However, with the varying natures of different retinal diseases, different modalities are required to image different retinopathies. This workshop will address how these different imaging modalities can be combined and information can be extracted from a device that might not be possible to capture using another device.

This workshop will:

  • Review current modalities, such as OCT, OCT A, Fluorescein angiography and color fundus photography, to avoid relying on only one system and getting similar results from the different modalities
  • Discuss the advantages and limitations of combining imaging modalities
  • Analyze why it isn’t currently possible to validate data collected from one imaging tool by using a different imaging tool
